What is ROAMS?

ROAMS, the Rural Ob Access & Maternal Service, is a collaboration between Holy Cross Medical Center (HCMC) in Taos, Miner’s Colfax Medical Center (MCMC) in Raton, Union County General Hospital (UCGH) in Clayton, to improve maternal health outcomes in Northeastern, New Mexico.

ROAMS has helped improve maternal OB access to care in the northeast region of New Mexico by establishing:
1. Tele-Obstetric services from UCGH Health Clinic in Clayton with OBs at Miners Colfax Medical Center in Raton. During the first few years 108 Tele-OB appointments took place at the UCGH Health Clinic, saving mothers 18,360 miles and 324 hours of driving.
2. Home to OB telehealth kits, so that expectant mothers can have a telehealth appointment from home with their OB that includes vitals: blood pressure, oxygen, heart rate, weight, blood sugar, and even a fetal heart rate.
3. Educational Pathways that are texted to the mother overtime with educational information and appointment reminders for: Normal Pregnancy, Postpartum, High Blood Pressure Pregnancy, and Diabetic Pregnancy.
4. Telehealth appointments with Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) high risk provider from the Women’s Health Institute in Taos and Miners Colfax Medical Center in Raton, with a Pinon Perinatal MFM in Santa Fe or Albuquerque. Ultrasounds for the MFM appointments can be done at the local clinic and the MFM consult can happen via telehealth. This service saves mothers 3-8 hours of driving to Santa Fe or Albuquerque.
ROAMS also provides no charge access to Lactation Counselors and Family Navigators/Community Health Workers that assist mothers and their children overcoming Social Determinants of Health, such as lack of access to needed transportation, food insecurity, and assistance in actualizing needed appointment or services.
ROAMS is working to improve maternal health and to make sure we keep labor & delivery in Northeastern New Mexico. Let’s Work Together! If you have suggestions or want to collaborate contact: Colleen Durocher, ROAMS Executive Director. CDurocher@TaosHospital.org